4 Reasons Why You Should Repaint Your House Every 7 Years
Fading, peeling, and cracked paint may seem like the normal wear and tear that every home experiences.
But chances are that if you can look around your home and spot these clues, your home is already overdue for a new paint job.
Even though these blemishes look pretty harmless – a few chips here and there – It’s an open invitation for water and pests to start wreaking havoc on your home’s structure.
Which will lead to thousands of dollars in damages and hundreds of hours of repairs if left unattended.
As a good rule of thumb to avoid this headache, you should repaint your home every 7 years. But this number could be even less depending on several factors like:
- Quality of the paint
- The workmanship of the painter that applied it
- Types of surfaces painted
- The condition those surfaces are in
- The types of weather common in your area
To the average homeowner, evaluating these factors can be a little difficult.
So it’s never a bad idea to reach out to a professional painter for a quick consultation and a second opinion.
Below we’ll explain why you must keep up with your home’s paint and explain what can happen if you let it go for too long.
1. Keep Your Home Protected From The Element
Sun, wind, and rain. These are the natural enemies of your home.
Depending on where you live, weather can be brutal on your house and lead to accelerated deterioration.
Maintaining a quality paint job on your home is the best way to stay protected and avoid unnecessary damage.
But given enough time, even the best paint job is no match for mother nature.
UV light from the sun will react with the pigment in your home’s paint and fade the colour away. This is especially true for north-facing walls, as they receive the most sunlight.
This fading will weaken the paint over time and leave it vulnerable to other weather like wind and rain.
Wind blowing against your home can loosen siding and propel debris against the house.
This will lead to cracks forming as well as the separation of caulk and sealer at the edges of windows and doors.
As these weak points form on your home’s exterior, they offer the perfect entry point for water and pests, which often go hand in hand.
2. Prevent Water Damage
Water damage is one of the most common issues homeowners experience. It can start with just some minor staining and cosmetic damage, but it can quickly spiral into serious structural issues and health concerns for you and your family.
Below are some of the ways water damage can present itself and why you should avoid them at all costs:
- Mould and mildew – When water enters the exterior of the home, it creates the perfect environment for mould and mildew to grow. Mould releases spores which can lead to respiratory issues and trigger allergic reactions. Children are often the most vulnerable to this type of exposure.
- Rotting wood – Water damage can also weaken the main structure of your house. Worst-case scenarios can include rotting frames, sagging beams, and warped floors.
- Damaged electrical systems – Metal is highly susceptible to corrosion and rust, so any water that gets into contact with your home’s electrical system can cause conductivity problems or even short circuits.
3. Protect Against Termites And Other Pests
Not only is termite damage ugly, but it’s also dangerous for your home.
Termites love a moist, humid environment. So chances are that if water is getting inside your home, so are termites.
When termites burrow into your home, they eat and weaken the main structure. But they will also bore through anything else that gets in their way, including your home’s electrical system.
This kind of damage could add up to thousands of dollars in the long run.
But luckily many paints available today either come with pesticides included or can be added to your paint of choice to help defend your home.
This means maintaining your paint is one of the most straightforward ways to protect your house.
This is why it’s so important to keep a lookout for chips and gaps in your paint. Because your paint is the armour of your house and any weak points will be quickly exploited.
4. Preserve And Increase Your Home’s Value
We’ve been taught not to judge a book by its cover, but most people make an exception for houses.
For exterior paint, curb appeal will live and die on the quality of the paint job. A good colour choice combined with a flattering trim will set your home apart in the neighbourhood and can help boost its value if and when you choose to sell.
But it’s not just the cover that a house is judged by.
Interior paint and detailed finish work can put your home in a class of its own. When it comes to interior painting, the value is all in the details.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself when it comes to evaluating your home’s interior paint job and whether you should consider having it redone by a professional:
- How sharp are the lines between your walls and trim?
- Has any paint dripped onto the based boards and floors or splashed on the ceiling?
- How even is the paint texture on the walls?
- How well done are “out of sight” areas like closets and the laundry room?
- Is there any damage to walls that a previous painter ignored?
All these little details will add up to an eye-catching look and make your home a pleasure to live in.
But on top of all these cosmetic details, protecting your home’s structural integrity as outlined in previous sections will by far be the most important factor to consider when staying up to date on your home’s paint.
Ready To Paint? Hire A Professional Today
When you decide to protect your home with top-quality workmanship, DAR Painting has the skill to turn your vision into a reality.
Serving Brisbane Area, we can provide you with a quick and accurate appraisal to help you make the best choice for your home’s future.
Contact us today to get started!